Should I check the roof of my property after a storm?


One of the most common reasons for insurance claims in Ireland is as of damage caused by a storm.

From experience we find that typical damage cause by a storm such as lifted roof tiles and roof flashing, may not be immediately visible to the homeowner. The damage may only becomes visible from the appearance of water stains in ceilings and walls sometime after the storm is a distant memory.

A storm is defined by wind speeds in excess of 90km/hour, and a wind strength of force 10 on the Beaufort scale and is normally accompanied by weather conditions including heavy rain, hail thunder and lighting. Insurance policies normally cover claims for Storms, although if you have suffered damage during high winds this may not qualify as Storm damage unless you are able to show from local weather reports, which may show wind gusts that qualify.

The terms in your insurance policy will determine whether the claim will succeed or fail.  Property Health Check understands the small print in insurance policies and will have access to meteorological records, both national and local to determine the weather conditions on the day of your incident. Your Insurance Company will be looking closely at the actual recorded local windspeeds to see whether or not they will allow claims under their definitions within the policy.

From experience we find that typical damage cause by a storm such as lifted roof tiles and roof flashing, may not be immediately visible to the homeowner. The damage only becomes visible later when moisture seeps down through a roof and causes damage to insulation and dry-lined walls and ceilings within the property along with the damaged roof coverings.