Terms and Conditions for a Budget Estimate Report

It is essential that the limitations and terms of service are understood and agreed before engaging our services. Booking our services presumes your agreement to these terms.


1) Budget Estimate Report overview
2) Scope – What the service includes
3) Client Obligations
4) Limitations of report
5) Price and payment
6) Report issue
7) Data Protection
8) Consumer Rights
9) Liability, confidentiality, and ownership
10) Complaints policy
11) Acceptance of Terms
12) Contact Information
13) Termination

1. Budget Estimate Report Overview

The principal objective of the Budget Estimate Report is to provide a financial estimate of the works that would benefit the specified property, focusing mainly on three key areas: –

• Essential Structural Repairs:
An estimate of repair costs needed to rectify structural/urgent issues found during the structural survey is provided. Essential Structural Repairs refers to structural defect(s) that can impact the structural integrity of the building or affect the health & safety of the person/s occupying the property.

• Preventative Maintenance:
Estimated costs for maintenance work that, while not critical at present, are essential for preventing long-term damage and costs.

• BER Upgrades:
A cost analysis for upgrades required to achieve a Building Energy Rating (BER) of A3 and/or B2.

2. Scope – What the Service includes

i) Preparation of a budget estimate summary for the specified property. The budget estimate summary is based on the residential property survey carried out by Property Health Check Ltd.
ii) A Budget Estimate Report to set out the findings of the budget estimate summary.

3. Client Obligations

i) Clients must understand and accept these terms and conditions, including limitations, to book this service.
ii) Clients must consult with their legal advisor to fully understand and accept the extent, limitations and exclusions of this service before exchanging contracts.
iii) Clients must read and understand the report. Any queries relating to the report must be raised with the Engineer and before signing legally binding contracts.
iv) In the case of apartments, the client should consult with the Management Company to understand what repairs/upgrades can be undertaken.

4. Limitations of Service

i) The opinions and assumptions within the budget estimate report are made on the information and discussions available at the time of the completion of the report and at the time of the site visit. It is based on the structural survey report provided to the client, which is based on a visual inspection only.
ii) Unless stated otherwise, no structural calculations have been undertaken on any structures involved. The report does not incorporate any detailed examinations or testing of materials, services, or structures. It does not purport to be an exhaustive list of issues.
iii) As building engineers, we are not experts in utility systems such as electrical, plumbing, heating, or wastewater systems. Any details provided on utility systems are for informational purposes and are included in the Preventative Maintenance section. Any work on utility systems should always be fully assessed by the appropriate professional before any decision on repair/replacement is made.
iv) The estimates provided are indicative costs only for the work outlined and do not include itemised costings for materials, labour, area sizes, etc. No measurements are taken as part of this service.
v) The price estimates included in the budget estimate summary are typical estimates using standard material and workmanship which may either increase or decrease depending on location, availability of contractors, materials, the complexity of the site, alternative solutions and various other factors that typically affect construction works pricing.
vi) The pricing in the report is based on current market rates and does not factor in further inflation, force majeure, or price increases past the time of issuing the report.
vii) No contingency price has been included in the budget estimate for economic factors, extraordinary events e.g., major strikes and natural disasters, major scope changes or changes in specification.
viii) The budget estimate report outlines the findings of the structural survey and conclusions are made about these findings. While the report is an outline only, it intends to cover the main issues with the property. There may be other problem areas that were not visible or clearly presented. It should be borne in mind that the report and budget estimate outline the opinions of Property Health Check Ltd. and that there may be alternative positions offered by other consultants/practitioners that could also be relevant.
ix) Further investigations may be required to further evaluate a defect or issue found during a property survey. These items are included in the property survey report. Where such items exist the budget estimate may include an allowance for minor isolated repairs where the defect can be fixed during the initial call-out. The estimate may also include an allowance for a specialist tradesperson consultation. Any significant or major works/ repairs and/or any replacement of materials/ finishes is not included in the further investigation costs as they are not determined before these investigations are carried out.
x) The BER rating in place at the time of the structural survey is used as the base rate for the property. If a BER rating is not available at the time of producing the Budget Estimate Report, a typical BER rating for a property similar in age and type (based on SEAI default values) will be used in the production of estimates.
xi) The upgrades for a BER B2 rating will be provided for properties which have a B3 or lower BER rating.
xii) The upgrades for a BER A3 rating will be provided for properties which have a B1 or lower BER rating.
xiii) If a property is exempt from having a BER certificate, or has a BER rating of B2 or higher, only relevant BER upgrades will be included in the Budget Estimate Report.
xiv) For apartment buildings and protected structures, some of the items listed in the BER upgrades section may not be permissible. It is important to bear in mind that some of the recommended works may be restricted by the management company for apartments, and by protected structure legislation for protected structures.
xv) A BER assessment or certificate is not part of this service. The upgrades stated in the report are indicative of the work required to achieve the stated BER rating. We cannot guarantee that the works outlined will achieve the BER rating stated.
xvi) SEAI grants have not been considered in the calculation of costs associated with BER upgrades.
xvii) Any conclusions made are based on the available resources and information obtained from the structural survey.

5. Price and Payment

i) Quotations are provided in writing only and are valid for thirty days from the date of issue. The quotation includes VAT at the current standard rate.
ii) Payment can be made by credit card, debit card, and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Payment is taken at the time of booking.

6. Report Issue

i) Reports are issued by email to the email address advised by the client at the time of booking. The email will contain a link to a secure site, where the report can be viewed and downloaded.
ii) Reports are provided in colour PDF format only.
iii) Requests to provide a hard copy may incur an additional postage fee, and the report will be issued in black and white.

7. Data Protection

We adhere to GDPR and other relevant data protection laws. Personal data collected will be used solely for the purpose of the survey and will not be shared without client consent, except as required by law. Data will be stored securely and disposed of responsibly when no longer needed.

8. Consumer Rights

Clients retain all statutory rights as prescribed under consumer protection laws and the Consumer Rights Act 2022, however, clients are required to consult with their legal advisor to fully understand and accept the extent, limitations and exclusions of this service before exchanging contracts.

9. Liability, Confidentiality, and Ownership

i) Liability is limited to a maximum amount equal to the fee paid for the survey.
ii) Ownership of the report passes to the client upon receipt by Property Health Check Limited of full payment.
iii) This report has been prepared for the specified client and property address and should not be relied upon or used for any other client/address without an independent check being carried out as to its suitability and prior written authority being obtained.
iv) We accept no responsibility or liability for the consequences of this document being used for a purpose other than for which it was commissioned. It is issued solely for the benefit of the Client (s) and it is not intended to be for the benefit of, or to be relied upon, by any other party.

10. Complaints Policy

i) In the event of a dispute, clients are required to contact us directly for resolution. Review our complaints policy here.
ii) To get in touch please contact our Customer Care team using one of the following methods: –

    • Call 0818 787839

    • Email: info@propertyhealthcheck.ie

    • Post: Property Health Check Ltd Ltd., 20 Main Street, Kenmare, Co. Kerry

11. Acceptance of Terms

By booking and paying for this service, clients acknowledge and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

12. Contact Information

For any queries regarding these terms please contact us at info@propertyhealthcheck.ie or 0818 787 839.

13. Termination

i) The Client may terminate an Agreement but must give a minimum of two working days’ notice.
ii) If a cancellation or a postponement takes place within two working days of the inspection, then 25% of the quotation total fee will be charged.

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